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Jerusalem - Vacation Accommodation
MAGAS HOUSE - Centrally located, Green & Quiet,
in the historic neighborhood of Musrara
The Entrance
These photos will help you to recognize the entrance & the box with the key to your unit.




three doors.jpg

​Usefull Infornmation
Airport Transportation :
Shared Shuttle "Nesher" taxi service to our door
can be found outside the arrivals gate.
Make sure that the driver takes you to the entrance gate, it is his duty.
Cost: approximately $18 per person.
"Nesher" Taxi at phone: 02-6257227.
or 02 - 6222553 or 02 - 6231231
(02 is Jerusalem's area code)
Private Taxi Service: "Daka 99"
They have to be per-ordered via phone, but it's usually enough to call
them when you get off the plane.
Cost: Up to 4 people - approximately $59.
5 - 6 people - approximately $111.
Phone from abroad: (+972 2 500 0787) Phone from Israel: 02-5000787
Booking the taxi to the Airport:
You can contact the Taxi numbers above, at your convenience from your phone.
By car: - using a route application for directions.
From: Ben Gurion International Airport, Tel Aviv
To: Heleni HaMalka 26, Jerusalem
In the street in front of the house:
Free parking from 6:00 pm to 8:00 am. and from Friday 2:00 pm till Sunday 8:00am.
Between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm in the same place, paid parking for proximately $1.5
per hour. (for 2 hours in a stretch).
For longer time parking: "Kikar Safra parking"
The entrance is from "Shivtei Israel Street.
Day rate: 84 Israeli shekel
Phone: 02-6250894